Taoist Healing Arts for Mind & Body
The Natural Way to Maintain Health &
Harmony for Long Life & Happiness

Private Course Spiritual Qigong
1 Private Class 2 hrs/class EURO 95
10 Hour Private Course 5 x 2 hrs/class EURO 470
2 Hours Private Class is suitable for people wanting to learn the fundamentals of Spiritual Qigong, to relax the mind, and increase general fitness with energy exercise and meditation. Also for those new to Spiritual Qigong and simply want to try it out for the first time.
10 Hour Private Courses are suitable for people who are more motivated to explore a deeper understanding of the Tao – one with Nature, and continue safe and effective practice at home with confidence. Includes restoring and purifying movements and meditations from a selection of Spiritual Qigong exercises which can be modified for different levels of fitness. You can also discuss your health concerns and receive a personalized training program and suggestions to help you grow and improve over time. Includes sitting, standing and moving meditations for radiant health, inner peace and harmony with nature. This course takes you deeper into the philosophy of the Tao with Nature meditations and energy practice. Private Classes and Courses can take place at our mountain retreat location, or at your hotel or at our Healing Arts Centre in South Bali near Tanah Lot. Send us an email with your preferred dates.
Mountain Retreat Spiritual Qigong
5 Day Mountain Retreat EURO 750
7 Day Mountain Retreat EURO 1400
Join us in the fresh mountain air with British instructor Dave West at our 3 star resorts and experience the healing power of nature. Learn to feel your Qi and awaken your self-healing ability with 2 x 2hrs Tai Chi & Qi Gong classes everyday practiced at lakes, waterfalls and healing hot springs. With optional relaxing walks through hidden valleys and bamboo rain forests to powerful Qi locations that heal your mind and body with pure natural energy. Send us an email with the dates you want to have your Mountain Retreat. The Retreat is held near the secluded mountain village of Munduk at an altitude of 1000m, deep in the bamboo rain forests of North Bali. Practice Tai Chi and Qi Gong at selected natural beauty spots and absorb the abundant Qi of nature with relaxing stretches, breathing exercises, and energy meditation. During the retreat a natural force field develops within you that recharges your whole being with healing energy that promotes positive changes in all aspects of your life. The health benefits, mental relaxation and spiritual strength accumulated on this retreat can last for several weeks, and is a great inspiration to keep up your daily practice at home in health and harmony with nature.

Spiritual Qigong (also known as ‘Dao Yin’ or ‘Tao Yoga’) is a relaxing style of natural healing based on Chinese Taoism and Indian Yoga that originated in the Himalayas over 3000 years ago. The essential concept of Spiritual Qigong is that we are nourished by nature and guided by nature’s wisdom so we can maintain radiant health and live in harmony with our environment, leading to oneness with nature and enlightenment. Spiritual Qigong encourages mind-body fitness in a daily self-renewal program including sitting, standing and moving meditation, but is very different from the commercial gymnastic yogas which mainly emphasize extreme stretching. Most important is the relaxation and focusing of the mind to reconnect with the Qi of Nature and the spirit of Nature.
BASIC COURSE – Tao Breathing, Movement & Energy Meditation
INTERMEDIATE COURSE– Tao Internal Energy & Nature Meditation
ADVANCED COURSE – Advanced Tao Meditation, Energy Extension & Healing Skills
Dao Hu Xi – Tao Breathing
1. Relaxed Breath
2. Mindful Breath
3. Normal Abdominal Breath
4. Fire Breath
5. Cleansing Breath
6. Water Breath
7. Reverse Abdominal Breath
8. Balancing Breath
9. One with Nature Breath
10. Spiritual Breath
Nei Gong Meditation 01 – Normal Abdominal Breathing
1. Building Qi at the Lower Dan Tien
2. 2 Poles/3 Dan Tiens/Taoist Tree Breathing
3. Small Circulation Fire Path (+ acupoints for Grand Circulation)
4. Laogong Breathing (5 Gates/Grand Circulation)
5. Opening the Heart Meditation (Loving Kindness)
Nei Gong Meditation 02 – Reverse Abdominal Breathing
6. Building Qi at the Lower Dan Tien
7. Small Circulation Wind Path
8. Girdle Vessel/Thrusting Vessel Breathing
9. Skin/Marrow Breathing
10. One with Nature Breathing
Wai Gong 01 – Tao Stretching
1. Relax & feel the Earth/mindfulness
2. Swing the elbows
3. Swing the arms forward
4. Swing the arms above the head
5. Stretch up & down to ears
6. Swing arms to the sides
7. Swing arms above the head
8. Swing arms to open the chest
9. Spine breathing
10. Stretch out & spiral the arms
11. Bear walking
12. Bouncing on the heels
13. Relax & feel the Qi/listening skills
Wai Gong 02 – Tao Stretching
1. Relax & feel the Earth/mindfulness
2. Hanging forward/Small swings
3. Sideways swings
4. Dynamic triangles
5. Big squats bouncing + L&R on the Toes
6. Forward bending
7. Hip rotations
8. Spine twists
9. Sideways bending
10. Chest expansion
11. Small sqauts + bouncing
12. Shake the whole body
13. Relax & feel the Qi/listening skills
Wai Gong 03 – Tao Stretching
1. Relax & feel the Earth/mindfulness
2. Upward windmills
3. Downward windmills
4. Backward windmills
5. Forward windmills
6. Chest pumps
7. Chopping wood
8. Chest swimming
9. Calf stretch
10. Bear swings
11. Dragon twists
12. Loosey goosey
13. Relax & feel the Qi/listening skills

Spiritual Qigong was first practiced by mountain hermits who lived in health and harmony with the natural world and the consciousness that guides nature. Through their deep understanding of the cycles and energy patterns of earth and sky, they discovered the healing power of nature, and developed self-renewing methods for daily practice that tunes the body, breath and mind, and brings them into unity. Tao is the natural way of living in health and harmony with the wisdom of nature and the laws of the universe. It is a physical and spiritual path nourished by nature for balancing body and mind. The Taoist journey of personal transformation celebrates each moment as an opportunity to honour all life, to appreciate the beauty and power of the universe, and to accept all that comes to us with an open and loving heart. Tao can only be experienced though personal practice, not through words or intellect.
Taoists observe that we are part of the natural world, we are born of the energy of the earth and stars and elements. For some reason we forget our place in nature, and so we need to reclaim our rightful heritage as children of the Earth. Just as the universe is an integrated whole, the body and mind is integrated whole with each part connected to and dependent on the other parts. Yet as we grow into adults leading sedentary lives, we often forget to use all the other parts of our bodies. We depend on the head and arms, using the spine, hips, and legs only to get us from the car to the elevator to the swivel chair, where we can use the head and arms again. By restricting our movement, we forget how to move strongly, lithely and efficiently. When we forget how to live fully in our bodies, we overly restrict the way we move, and eventually we forget who we really are. Taoism involves many practical disciplines that can restore our lost youth and inner peace while awakening our deepest potentials. Spiritual Qigong is just one of the many practices that can help us to maintain health and learn universal truths if we are willing to open our minds to the natural way.

The Taoist principles of ‘yin yang’ and ‘wu wei’ found in nature, teach balance and harmony through effortless action without force or conflict, to flow with the current of nature and allow things to happen in their own natural time. The goal of Spiritual Qigong is no excess no deficiency, which results in smooth and efficient energy flow. By avoiding tension and stress, and focusing on relaxation, gentle stretching with slow abdominal breathing, your whole being can saturate and diffuse blood and oxygen, leading to radiant health and inner peace. Spiritual Qigong also has a profound effect on your external life, creating love, wisdom and compassion in all your daily activities.